Whitefield Academy Athletics

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As a PackBackers Sponsor, you will receive valuable exposure to the Whitefield community, as well as to visiting teams and their community of supporters.

  • Each fall, Whitefield hosts ~20 football games in WolfPack Stadium, with an average of 800-1,200 attendees. Varsity football has made the state playoffs five years in a row!
  • Each spring, WolfPack Stadium hosts approximately 40 soccer and lacrosse games each year, as well as multiple track and field meets.
  • Over 20 additional playoff games hosted in WolfPack Stadium in the last five years between football, soccer, and lacrosse.

Your financial investment will help enhance and improve facilities, equipment, and opportunities for each athlete at Whitefield Academy. If you have any questions or would like more details, please email Greg Blythe.

PackBackers Athletic Sponsor Levels

Gold - $5,000

  • Premier gameday opportunities to be determined with Sponsor and Athletic Director
  • Scoreboard digital ad and a 30-second PA announcement during all games held in WolfPack Stadium for the 2024-25 school year
  • Mentions on gameday livestream
  • Prominently placed banner (3.5’ x 8’) in WolfPack Stadium for the 2024-25 school year with QR codes
  • Complimentary tickets to all regular season home games, two car decals, and two key tags
  • “We Back the Pack” display sign for place of business

Blue - $2,500

  • Prominently placed banner (3.5’ x 8’) in WolfPack Stadium for the 2024-25 school year with QR codes
  • Rotational scoreboard ad for all games held in WolfPack Stadium
  • Complimentary tickets to all regular season home games, two car decals, and two key tags
  • “We Back the Pack” display sign for place of business

*Blue sponsors have the option to add 30-second PA announcements for each game played in WolfPack Stadium for an additional $500.

**The cost to purchase a 30-second PA announcement during all games held in WolfPack Stadium without becoming a sponsor is $1,500 for the 2024-25 school year.